A cruise in the port of Antwerp is not just a bit of floating around. It is an experience, a sensation, a "wow-feeling", a moment that you have to experience and that you like to share with friends and family. A cruise on the Flandria boat is the perfect way to discover Antwerp and its world-class port in a different way.
A cruise in the port of Antwerp is not just a bit of floating around. It is an experience, a sensation, a "wow-feeling", a moment that you have to experience and that you like to share with friends and family. A cruise on the Flandria boat is the perfect way to discover Antwerp and its world-class port in a different way. A Flandria boat tour is the perfect way to discover Antwerp and its world-class port from a different angle. We offer you a full programme of harbor tours with start and arrival at London Bridge in Asiadok-East Quay, near the "Little Island" area, Antwerp’s trendiest district located at walking distance from the MAS, the Red Star Line museum and the new Port House.
You can also combine our boat trips with a delicious breakfast , a tasty lunch or one of the many sweet delicacies during our afternoon cruise. And more ecological than ever because we mainly use products from our region! Be sure to check out our range of themed cruises.A sunset during the Candlelight cruise.
Discover our cruisesA Flandria boat tour is the perfect way to discover Antwerp and its world-class port from a different angle.
Discover our cruises